Getting Started

Setting up Visual Studio Code, your coding environment, and becoming familiar with the tools for debugging and executing your first C++ program.

In order to begin programming, we need a programming (or development) environment. Text editors, such as Microsoft Word, allows us to write/edit text. The text editor that we will be using in class to write/edit code is Visual Studio Code, or “VS Code” for short.

  1. Install Visual Studio Code
  2. Enable C++
  3. Install C++ Compiler
  4. The Hello World Program
  5. Additional Resources

Introduction & Careers in BIS

What are Business Information Systems? What are the responsibilities and requirements of a career in BIS?

Students in an introductory Business Information Systems (BIS) course often ask what a career in BIS looks like. Often, they assume the career involves programming with little human interaction and creativity. That BIS is a technical and uninspiring field could not be further from the truth. Spanning from that of the entry-level internship to Chief Information Officer, BIS job descriptions typically require candidates to be able to collaborate, and communicate, analyze, and gather needs and requirements. As such, BIS workers are constantly interacting with other people both inside and outside the organization, coming up with creative solutions to business problems.


Outlining course information, expectations, and responsibilities for BUS 110 PDF

Welcome to BUS 110, a broad overview of the main areas of Business and Information Sciences. The course objective is to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrates how these systems are used throughout global organizations for today’s management. The focus of this course is on the key components of information systems—people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage.


Outlining course information, expectations, and responsibilities for CS 102 PDF

Welcome to CS 102, an introduction to the fundamentals of computer programming. Students design, write, and debug computer programs. No prior knowledge of programming is assumed.

Final Exam

Expectations for the final exam on Wed, Dec. 19 at 2:45 PM

The final exam will take place in Pratt 610 (our usual classroom) on Wednesday, December 19. You will have 2 hours to complete the exam independently.


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